CIF is a registered NGO in Germany.
In order to promote our mission CIF relies on two main funding sources, Membership fees and Donations.
CIF relies on funding through membership fees. Each country branch consists of members that pay yearly dues. These dues support CIF’s national entity for supporting marketing efforts, board member meetings, grants for programs and activities.
If you are interested in becoming a member of CIF please look at our National country contact list to find the person in the country you live to connect with. The country contact will provide you the criteria to become a member.

CIF welcomes individual or corporate donations to support our activities. If you are interested in supporting CIF please complete the online form below:

CIF International bank account details for donations
Name: Council of International Fellowship e. V.
IBAN: DE02 5705 0120 0000 1884 25
Bank: Sparkasse Koblenz (Germany)
Benefits of being a CIF member
Participating on a CIF or CIP program has created a special feeling for you and maybe your branch.
Becoming a member in CIF gives you the opportunity to get a clear understanding of people’s living conditions and the consequences of policies in reality. To meet social workers from all around the world and share that knowledge, makes you realise how similar we are. It helps you understand other countries as well as it gives you a perspective of your own.
This is a strong power, a strong link that connects us. The spirit is the growing understanding of both your own and other people. And yourself!
Become a member
You can become a member if you have participated in a CIF/CIP/CIPUSA Exchange Program and want to apply for membership.
You can also become a member if you support the ideas and goals of CIF. See the website to check recent events in your country.
Membership of the Organization is open to all former participants in CIP (Cleveland International Program and Council of International Programs), CIF (Council of International Fellowship), and former participants of CIPUSA Exchange Programs and International Study Program (ISP) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Also, individuals who support the objectives of CIF can apply for membership.
Please contact the CIF national branch or the contact person in your country. If there is none, please contact the CIF International secretary: [email protected]
If you want to participate in a program, please go to the Programs page.